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Solidarity grocery store -
For Lyon 2 students only
AGORAé solidarity grocery store | Épicerie solidaire AGORAé Lyon 2 to all students, this supermarket was born through a partenership between the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and the organization GAELIS. Students must have between 1 and 8,5 euros to spend per day once all expenses are paid. Products cost around 10% of their original price. Access to AGORAé is renewable but given for three months at a time.
Service vie étudiante
Maison de l'étudiant.e (MDE)
Campus Portes des Alpes
5 Avenue Pierre Mendes
69676 Bron
Arret Europe Université
Maison de l'étudiant.e (MDE)
Campus Portes des Alpes
5 Avenue Pierre Mendes
69676 Bron
Arret Europe Université