- Sports and culture LoireFor UJM students only
"Le Carnet Culture" coupons
The Carnet Culture gives you access to 8 coupons that can be used in more than 60 cultural institutions in the Loire region: bookstores, record stores, theaters, performance halls, cinemas and museums.
- Taking care of your healthRhôneFor ENTPE students only
Appointment with the Lieu Écoute Jeune
Possibility for ENTPE students to make an appointment free of charge with a psychologist from the Lieu d'Écoute (Haven for Listening and Preventing).
- Social action, Sports and culture Rhône
Astrée theater - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
The Astrée theater is located on the LyonTech-la Doua campus. Managed by the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1’s Culture Team, this venue is not only a place for professional contemporary creations and performances, but also a place for students and amateur artists to get to know each other.
- Recycling, Financial helpRhône
Bric à Brac - Foyer Notre-Dame des Sans-Abris
The Foyer Notre Dame des Sans-Abris, a recognized association of public utility, has six Bric-à-Brac stores that sell various and varied items ranging from clothing, furniture, electrical and electronic equipment to musical instruments. By going to a Bric-à-Brac store, you equip yourself at a low price while participating in the integration of people who are far from employment.
- Finding supportRhône
Consultation juridique gratuite
L’Ordre des avocats du Barreau de Lyon propose des consultations gratuites pour tous (que vous soyez mineurs ou majeurs) afin de vous informer sur vos droits et vos démarches et vous orienter vers un spécialiste adapté à votre situation. Il s’agit donc d’un premier rendez-vous juridique d’orientation. Les consultations concernent diverses branches du droit privé (droits des familles et du patrimoine, droit du travail, droit des loyers, droit fiscal, droit des assurances, droit administratif, droit de la consommation, droit commercial, droit pénal…) et du droit public (notamment le droit fiscal, le droit administratif…).
- Finding supportRhôneFor INSA students only
Consulting Service and Personalized Support | Service Conseil et Accompagnement Personnalisé : CAP
Students are welcomed and accompanied students individually by psychologists for the whole of their studies at INSA Lyon.
- Sports and culture LoireFor UJM students only
Cultural operations all year round
The Université Jean Monnet offers its students free tickets for live shows of all kinds (concerts, shows, theater, etc.).
- Sports and culture RhôneFor UCLy students only
Cultural Program – UCLy
All year round, the Cultural Program offers varied, free events, open to members of the university community and external students.
- Sports and culture RhôneFor Lyon 1 students only
Culture Team - Université Lyon 1
The Culture Team offers students a wide range of cultural activities led by artists who are passionate about their work, including authors, conductors, choreographers, actors... Registration is free for students and PhD students.
- Information and directories, Sports and culture Rhône
Culture | Lyon Campus
Discover the Pass culture put together by the Métropole de Lyon.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor ENSSIB students only
Distributor of free sanitary protection
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor ENSATT students only
Distributor of free sanitary protection
There are 2 distributors of free hygienic protections (pads and tampons), in partnership with Marguerite et Cie.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor Lyon 1 students only
Distributor of free sanitary protection
Organization of washable periodic protection distributions and installation of distributors on the sites of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
Distributors of free hygienic protection - Lyon 3
Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University has 37 distributors of periodic protection (tampons and pads) on all campuses.
- Menstrual protectionLoireFor UJM students only
Distributors of free hygienic protection – UJM
The Université Jean Monnet has distributors of periodic protection (biological tampons and towels) on all its campuses.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor ENSAL students only
Distributors of free sanitary protection
ENSAL has installed two dispensers of free sanitary protection on site, in partnership with Marguerite et Cie.
- Finding supportRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Educational tutoring for L1 and L2 students
The Université Lumière Lyon 2 offers a personalized support system for any L1 and L2 student who encounters difficulties in the context of their studies. Tutoring is carried out by L3, Master's or doctoral students in the form of small groups. Registration is free and voluntary.
- Finding supportLoireFor UJM students only
Educational tutoring for PASS and LAS students
The "Tutorat Santé Stéphanois" association, funded by the UniversitJean Monnet and the Jacques Lisfranc Faculty of Medicine, offers a free support system for students enrolled in PASS and LAS.
- Finding supportRhôneFor Lyon 1 students only
Educational tutoring for PASS Health, Science and STAPS students
The Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 offers a personalized support system for students in PASS Santé, Sciences and STAPS, who encounter difficulties during their studies.
- Finding supportRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
Educational tutoring for undergraduate students
The Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 offers a personalized support system for any undergraduate student who encounters difficulties during their studies. Tutoring is carried out by Master's students in the form of small groups.
- Sports and culture RhôneFor ENTPE students only
ENTPE Arts Office
The ENTPE Arts Office regularly offers cultural outings in Lyon (opera, theater, etc.).
- Sports and culture RhôneFor ENTPE students only
ENTPE sports office
The ENTPE sports office offers leisure or competition activities in many sports. It also organizes inter-establishment tournaments or sporting events.
- Menstrual protectionRhône, Loire
Free sanitary products | Distributeur de protections hygiéniques gratuites - Crous
There are distributors of free hygienic protections (pads and tampons) in all common spaces in Crous residences in Lyon.
- Food distributions, Online platforms and directories, Sports and culture Rhône
HappyToque – Student Solidarity
HappyToque is a recognized public interest organization that aims to help students in their daily lives by providing food and cultural assistance.
- Information and directories, Taking care of your healthLoire, Ain, Rhône
If you’re properly informed, you can seek treatment at the right price!
A page on the "Student Health" portal that helps you access healthcare by providing information on how your healthcare costs are reimbursed.
- Finding support, Taking care of your healthAin, Loire, Rhône
La Pause Brindille | Network of young caregivers
The "La Pause Brindille" association supports young caregivers and runs a supportive community, thanks to a listening service (accessible everywhere in France) to allow young carers to find support, a listening ear, information, and activities.
- Finding support, Taking care of your healthRhôneFor ECAM LaSalle students only
Listening and reporting unit
Listening and reporting unit to fight against sexist and sexual violence.
- Online platforms and directoriesAin, Loire, Rhône
Local solidarity sponsorship platform | 1 cabas pour 1 étudiant
The association connects one family with one student in difficulty in the same city, in order to show them support and build a bond.
- Finding supportRhône
Lyon 3 legal clinic - Open to all
The Lyon 3 Legal Clinic is a free and confidential legal guidance service for everyone.
- Menstrual protectionLoireFor Mines Saint-Étienne students only
Menstrual protection | Sang % à l’aise
The Diversity Mission of Mines Saint-Étienne provides menstruating people with a dispenser of disposable protection (biodegradable and GMO-free tampons and sanitary napkins) in the women's toilets on the 1st floor. The people concerned can also collect a cup or two menstrual panties from room E1-02 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Friday afternoons as well as Wednesday mornings.
- Finding supportAin, Loire, Rhône
Mentorship | 1 jeune 1 mentor : Etre accompagné par un mentor pour réussir
If you are younger than 30 years old and currently facing difficulties, you can ask for a mentor throughout the different steps of your course. To be mentored is an asset no matter your needs and objectives !
- Taking care of your healthAin, Loire, Rhône
National mental health scheme | Dispositif national MonParcoursPsy
« MonParcoursPsy » gives you access to up to 8 sessions with a partner psychologist. The sessions take place after going through a doctors’ orientation and are reimbursed by Social Security.
- OrganizingRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Nursery places for students
Finding a place to keep your child can sometimes be a hassle for the parents. The Métropole de Lyon published a guide on the different ways to keep your child during the day. The Université Lumière Lyon 2 partnered with a kindergarten called EQUAL, near the Porte des Alpes campus. Half the seats in the kindergarten are kept for Lyon 2 students and personnel. Even though you can ask for a seat throughout the year, the sooner the better. Confirmation of inscriptions is in May and the attribution of places takes place in June.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor ENSATT students only
Occasional aid, scholarships, exemptions
In case of particular difficulties, meet the social service of the Crous.The person who will see you will take stock of your situation and determine the assistance that can be provided to you, in particular via the ENSATT social assistance fund (exemption from tuition fees and/or one-off financial assistance).
- Consultation, Taking care of your healthRhôneFor ENTPE students only
Osteopathic consultations
Possibility for ENTPE students to make an appointment free of charge for a consultation with osteopathic students from the ISOstéo Lyon school.
- Sports and culture LoireFor UJM students only
Practicing sport with the UJM SUAPS
The University Sports Service (SUAPS) of the Université Jean Monnet offers four formulas allowing you to practice one or more physical and sporting activities, on a regular (or not) and evaluated (or not) basis.
- Finding supportRhôneFor ECAM LaSalle students only
Psychological Support and Listening Service | Service d’Accompagnement et d’Écoute Psychologique (SAEP)
Open psychological cell for ECAM LaSalle students.
- Menstrual protectionRhône
Règles élémentaires - Mise à disposition de protections hygiéniques
L’association Règles élémentaires collecte et met à disposition des protections hygiéniques. Vous pouvez collecter vos protections auprès d’acteurs du monde étudiant tels que le Crous et GAELIS, auprès d’acteurs associatifs tels que Popinns, le CCAS de Lyon ou encore la Permanence d’Accès aux Soins de Santé de l’Hôpital Saint Joseph Saint Luc (proche du campus des Berges du Rhône). Retrouvez les autres associations sur le lien ci-dessus.
- Food distributionsRhône
Restos du Cœur food distribution for students
A distribution of food parcels and hygiene products takes place every Saturday morning from 9 AM to noon at 13bis Rue Girié, Maisons Neuves in the 3rd district of Lyon. Registration is done on-site by presenting the student card. Non-scholarship students must have a rent receipt or an accommodation certificate. Scholarship students must present the Crous scholarship certificate.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor ENTPE students only
Sanitary products dispenser
A periodic protection dispenser is available free of charge to ENTPE students.
- Rhône
Shops friendly to students | Les Commerces Amis des Etudiants
Des commerces du 7e arrondissement se joignent à la Ville de Lyon et l’association Lyon 7 Rive Gauche afin d’offrir aux étudiants des réductions et tarifs préférentiels dans les secteurs de la santé et du bien-être, de la restauration, de la culture, du sport et bien d’autres. Vous trouverez la carte montrant les différents commerces sur le site de Lyon Campus.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Social aid | Aides sociales
This aid is aimed to help students overcome punctual financial difficulties and is open to all Lyon 2 students regardless of their age. The demands are made anonymous and social workers are submitted to professional secrecy. To beneficiate from financial aid, students must see a Crous or Lyon 2 social worker who will review your difficulties with you and give you the application form. This request is subject to a social assessment by the person who will receive the student for an interview.To meet with a social worker, one must start by tak an appointment through the following mail address:
- General informationRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Social support | Accompagnement social
In case of personal, family related issues, physical and mental health issues as well as financial and administratives issues, don’t hesitate to ask for a meeting with a social assistant. Their role is to welcome you and to help you overcome these difficulties. The assistants are subject to professional secrecy and offer you a space to talk in confidentiality.
- Sports and culture RhôneFor UCLy students only
Sport at Lyon Catholic University (UCLy)
The sports association (AS UCLy) enables students from the UCLy and partner schools to take part in individual or collective varsity activities.
- Sports and culture RhôneFor ENSAL students only
Sporting activities
ENSAL students benefit from ENTPE sports facilities by joining the ENTPE sports association.
- Sports and culture Rhône
Sports - Lyon Campus
On the Lyon Campus website, discover the different sports equipments present on the Métropole de Lyon.
- Sports and culture AinFor Lyon 1 students only, For Lyon 3 students only
Sports and cultural activities
Students from Bourg-en-Bresse (enrolled at Lyon 1 or Lyon 3) have free access to around 30 sports and cultural activities.
- Finding supportRhôneFor INSA students only
Student social service
The Service Social Etudiant accompagnies students in the face of punctual or regular difficulties. They can be sollicited by other INSA services, professors or administrative officials.
- Online platforms and directoriesAin, Loire, Rhône
Student survival kit | Le Kit de survie étudiant - Phenix
Phénix is a French startup that aims to fight against food waste. They offer a free « survival kit » to help boost students purchasing power when it comes to food, hygiene and cosmetic products, transports, insurance, entertainment, which boosts students purchasing power.
- Finding support, Taking care of your healthRhôneFor ECAM LaSalle students only
Studying with a disability
Personalized support for students with disabilities.
- Information and directories, Taking care of your healthLoire
Taking care of myself | Prendre soin de moi - Sainté MEMO.fr
The part of the website related to health is the « M’aérer le corps et l’esprit » on SaintéMémo.fr, the online guide to students living in Saint-Etienne.
- Sports and culture Rhône
TEDxENTPE and Wednesday Talks | TAM - Talks du Mercredi
The association of students, doctoral students and staff of the ENTPE, "Human Beeing", organizes every second Wednesday, from October to March, TAM (Wednesday Talks) on various subjects (scientific popularization, general culture, arts…) and once a year a TEDx.
- Finding support, Taking care of your healthAin
Teenager house | Maison des adolescents
The Maison des adolescents de l’Ain has openings at Bourg-en-Bresse to accompany students until they’re 20 about questions related to mental health, social and health affairs, addictions…
- Finding supportLoireFor UJM students only
UJM legal clinic
The UJM Legal Clinic is a free and confidential legal guidance service.
- Punctual financial aid, Information and directoriesLoireFor UJM students only
UJM web portal | Site présentant les aides possibles à l'UJM
This portal lists the different programs put in place by the Université Jean Monnet and its partners to help students face difficulties related to mental and physical help, financial aid, help related to computeur equipment, social isolation, physical and psychological help. The aim is to give students the tools to succeed in the best conditions.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
“Take Care” distributors of hygiene products
The Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 is launching two distributors allowing you to have access to two hygiene products per month, from around fifteen products: shower gels, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, razor, shaving foam, toothbrush, cotton make-up remover, hairbrush…