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Solidarity food suppliers and community-suppported agrigulture
- Solidarity food suppliers and community-suppported agricultureRhône, Ain
Solidary butcher shop | La B.A.S.E. : Boucheries André Solidaire Étudiant
Boucheries André Solidaire Etudiant : this online application was put together by Boucheries André which enables students to have access to different products near expiry date. Students can reserve their products from Monday to Saturday from 2PM.
- Solidarity food suppliers and community-suppported agricultureRhôneFor ENS de Lyon students only
ENvertS | ENS solidarity shop
The AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne) in general, and ENvertS in particular, aim to put the local farmer in touch with consumers. Access to AMAP is open to students and staff of ENS de Lyon. The AMAP Solidarity Fund provides financial support to Amapiens and Amapiennes in precarious situations.
- Solidarity food suppliers and community-suppported agricultureRhôneFor ISARA students only
ISARAMAP | ISARA grocery shop
The AMAP (Association pour le Maintien d’une Agriculture Paysanne) in general, and ISARAMAP in particular, aim to put the local farmer in touch with consumers.
- Solidarity food suppliers and community-suppported agricultureRhône
Les Commerces Amis des Etudiants
Des commerces du 7e arrondissement se joignent à la Ville de Lyon et l’association Lyon 7 Rive Gauche afin d’offrir aux étudiants des réductions et tarifs préférentiels dans les secteurs de la santé et du bien-être, de la restauration, de la culture, du sport et bien d’autres. Vous trouverez la carte montrant les différents commerces sur le site de Lyon Campus.
- Solidarity food suppliers and community-suppported agricultureRhône, Ain
Solidary butcher shop | La B.A.S.E. : Boucheries André Solidaire Étudiant
Boucheries André Solidaire Etudiant : this online application was put together by Boucheries André which enables students to have access to different products near expiry date. Students can reserve their products from Monday to Saturday from 2PM.