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Food distributions
If you need emergency food aid, do not hesitate to contact the local food distribution network. Food distributions take place several times a week. In Lyon, they can be found on the Lyon Campus social networks. In Saint-Étienne, they are listed on the city’s website. If you live in Bourg-en-Bresse or Roanne, do not hesitate to consult the information sheets of the organizations working in these areas.
- Food distributionsAin
Food distribution by the Bourg & Solidarité association
The association distributes full meals every Sunday evening and food parcels during the week.
- Food distributionsAin
Red Cross food distribution – Bourg-en-Bresse
The local branch of the Red Cross in Bourg-en-Bresse distributes food every Tuesday.
- Food distributionsRhône
COP1 | Food distribution
COP1, a solidarity association by and for students, organizes free food distributions at the Maison des Etudiants in the 7ème arrondissement, as well as in the 1er arrondissement (collège Truffaut) and in Villeurbanne.
- Food distributions, Solidarity grocery storeRhône
CSE Lyon solidarity grocery shop
The collective provides free food aid to vulnerable students, with two distributions per month.
- Food distributionsRhône
Delivraide | Free lunch baskets delivered at home
The "L'Équipage Solidaire" association delivers free kits containing food and hygiene products to students in precarious situations at home, using the "Delivraide" platform and application.
- Food distributionsRhôneFor Centrale Lyon students only
Food aid | Aide alimentaire
This aid is given when a student registered at the Ecole Centrale de Lyon is no longer in capacity to eat properly.
- Food distributionsRhône
Food distribution | Distribution alimentaire - EMF Lyon
EMF Lyon (Etudiants musulmans de France) organizes food baskets distributions for students living in Lyon (on registration).
- Food distributions, Menstrual protectionRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Global support (food, clothing, hygiene, health, digital) | Accompagnement global (alimentation, vêtements, hygiène, santé, numérique)
Sale and distribution of quality products (organic, local and ecological) at reasonable prices.Vrac Universités offers everyday consumer products once a month and on order (olive oil, pasta, flour, etc.).These distributions take place at the Maison de l'Étudiant.e on the Porte des Alpes campus and at the MDE in the city center, Lyon 7th district.
- Food distributions, Online platforms and directories, Sports and culture Rhône
HappyToque – Student Solidarity
HappyToque is a recognized public interest organization that aims to help students in their daily lives by providing food and cultural assistance.
- Food distributionsRhône
LINKEE food distribution
The Linkee association distributes food packages to students with fruits and vegetables from organic and virtuous farming, but also dairy and dried products as well as dishes cooked by local chefs or by volunteers.
- Food distributionsRhône
Restos du Cœur food distribution for students
A distribution of food parcels and hygiene products takes place every Saturday morning from 9 AM to noon at 13bis Rue Girié, Maisons Neuves in the 3rd district of Lyon. Registration is done on-site by presenting the student card. Non-scholarship students must have a rent receipt or an accommodation certificate. Scholarship students must present the Crous scholarship certificate.
- Help to access housing, Food distributions, Menstrual protection, Circular economy and home appliancesRhône
Secours populaire français | Permanent welcome and solidarity for students
Support for students in precarious situations: listening and support; food aid, clothing, hygiene products; access to rights, support for access to employment, housing, etc.
- Food distributions, Solidarity grocery storeRhône
Solidarity grocery store | Epicentre
Epicentre is a social and solidarity grocery store where you can shop either after a social referral (notably from the Crous) or by coming directly to the store, where your application will be examined.