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In my institution
Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- ExemptionRhôneFor Lyon 1 students only
Exemption from registration fees
Non-scholarship students who encounter one-off financial difficulties related to a family or other unforeseeable event can request reimbursement of their tuition fees as exceptional social assistance. These provisions apply only to students enrolled in a State diploma, not scholarship holders.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Lyon 1 students only
Social FSDIE | FSDIE social
The committee of the Solidarity and Development Fund for Student Initiatives (FSDIE) meets several times a year to review application files. Contact the Student Life Center of the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in order to know the periods for filing applications.
Université Lumière Lyon 2
- OrganizingRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Nursery places for students
Finding a place to keep your child can sometimes be a hassle for the parents. The Métropole de Lyon published a guide on the different ways to keep your child during the day. The Université Lumière Lyon 2 partnered with a kindergarten called EQUAL, near the Porte des Alpes campus. Half the seats in the kindergarten are kept for Lyon 2 students and personnel. Even though you can ask for a seat throughout the year, the sooner the better. Confirmation of inscriptions is in May and the attribution of places takes place in June.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Social aid | Aides sociales
This aid is aimed to help students overcome punctual financial difficulties and is open to all Lyon 2 students regardless of their age. The demands are made anonymous and social workers are submitted to professional secrecy. To beneficiate from financial aid, students must see a Crous or Lyon 2 social worker who will review your difficulties with you and give you the application form. This request is subject to a social assessment by the person who will receive the student for an interview.To meet with a social worker, one must start by tak an appointment through the following mail address:
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Lyon 2 students only
Waiver of registration fees and financial aid
Eligibility criteria is being reevaluated for the 2022/2023 academic year. All information available on this website :
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Université Jean Monnet
- Punctual financial aid, Information and directoriesLoireFor UJM students only
UJM web portal | Site présentant les aides possibles à l'UJM
This portal lists the different programs put in place by the Université Jean Monnet and its partners to help students face difficulties related to mental and physical help, financial aid, help related to computeur equipment, social isolation, physical and psychological help. The aim is to give students the tools to succeed in the best conditions.
ENS de Lyon
École Centrale de Lyon
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Centrale Lyon students only
Exemption commissions
The files of all students of the École Centrale de Lyon, wishing to obtain partial or total exemption from their tuition fees, are processed in committee (twice a year). The file must be produced by the ECL social worker, in accordance with the framework document available on the intranet.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Centrale Lyon students only
Social commissions | Commissions sociales
The files of all students of the École Centrale de Lyon, wishing to obtain partial or total exemption from their tuition fees, are processed in committee (twice a year). The file must be produced by the ECL social worker, in accordance with the framework document available on the intranet.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Berger 1 grants | Bourse Berger 1
This grant is delivered on social criteria to first year international students at INSA who are already admitted into their 2nd, 3rd and 4th year and living at INSA (jurys spécifiques filières internationales excluded)
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Berger 2 grants | Bourse Berger 2
This grant financially helps students with a fragile level in English who have to do an internship in an English speaking country and who have been identified by their professors
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Capelle 1 grants | Bourse Capelle 1
This scholarship is delivered to Crous grant beneficiaries, living at INSA, enrolled in their first or second year at INSA and that have been admitted into their third year.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Capelle 2 grants | Bourse Capelle 2
This grant is delivered to students from establishments who qualify under the « Convention Diversité » and residing at INSA.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Capelle 3 grants | Bourse Capelle 3
This grant is given to third year students who benefit from Crous grants (échelon 5, 6, 7).
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Financial aid | Coup de Pouce
This financial aid is granted to INSA students engaged in a projet, wether it is artistic, entrepreneurial, sports-related or volunteering in an organization.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Grants for foreign students | Bourse Élèves étrangers
This grant is delivered on social criteria to international students in their 1st, 2nd or 3rd year at INSA.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
INSA social fund | Fonds social INSA et fonds de solidarité Fondation INSA
These urgent aids are attributed by the student social service (service social étudiant) at INSA Lyon.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
International curricula grants | Bourses Filières internationales
This grant is delivered on social criteria to international students at INSA who are admitted through the jurys spécifiques Filières internationales and living at INSA
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Pass'solidarité - Installation - Computer equipment
This flat-rate (or simply aid) is given to INSA Lyon students to help them settle on campus or buy a computer (under conditions).
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor INSA students only
Tremplin grants | Bourses Tremplin
This scholarship is combined by mentorship given by a sponsor company of the Fondation INSA Lyon
Sciences Po Lyon
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Sciences Po Lyon students only
Help to get digital equipment | Aide équipement numérique
Students who have just arrived at Science Po Lyon can benefit from financial aid to buy a computer.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Sciences Po Lyon students only
Social fund | Fonds social de Sciences Po Lyon
To beneficiate from the social aid fund by Sciences Po Lyon, students must see a Crous social worker to take a better look at their situation and determine the best suited aid to each persons situation.
VetAgro Sup
- Durable financial aidRhôneFor VetAgro Sup students only
Annual financial aid from the Ministry of Agriculture
This aid is given to VetragroSup students once their application is examined. The aid is directly given by the Ministry of agriculture.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor VetAgro Sup students only
One-off financial aid from the Ministry of Agriculture
An annual sum paid by the ministry to VetAgro Sup is then donated to students with a specific need. The file review committee includes the education department, two DGAs, two teachers and a student life officer.
ECAM LaSalle
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor ENSSIB students only
Social part aid | Aide FSDIE part sociale
Students in need studying at ENSSIB may receive financial aid once their application is studied.
- ExemptionRhôneFor ENSSIB students only
Tuition waiver | Exonération des frais de scolarité
Commissions take place to examine if applicants enrolled at ENSSIB can be exonerated from tuition fees.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor ENSATT students only
Occasional aid, scholarships, exemptions
In case of particular difficulties, meet the social service of the Crous.The person who will see you will take stock of your situation and determine the assistance that can be provided to you, in particular via the ENSATT social assistance fund (exemption from tuition fees and/or one-off financial assistance).
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor UCLy students only
Merit scholarship, called "continuation of studies" scholarship
The UCLy Equal Opportunities service offers welcome "continuation of studies" scholarships to new students, upon application.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor UCLy students only
Merit scholarship, called "welcome" scholarship
The UCLy Equal Opportunities service offers welcome scholarships to new students, upon application.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor UCLy students only
Solidarity fund | Fonds de solidarité Coup dur
This solidarity fund is put in place by UCLy.
Mines Saint-Étienne
- Punctual financial aidLoireFor Mines Saint-Étienne students only
Emergence aid fund
Commissions to allocate emergency aid to students in financial difficulty, after evaluation by the social worker, in conjunction with IMT, the Mines-Telecom Foundation or the CVEC.
- Punctual financial aid, Durable financial aidLoireFor Mines Saint-Étienne students only
Honor loans
File to be produced in the 1st quarter to obtain an honorary loan from the alumni association (Mines Saint-Étienne Alumni)
- Access to healthcare, Taking care of your healthLoireFor Mines Saint-Étienne students only
Qare medical teleconsultation platform
Free for Mines de Saint-Étienne students, the medical teleconsultation platform allows you to consult a doctor on more than 30 specialties on video, 7 days a week from 7 AM to 11 PM.
- Durable financial aidLoireFor Mines Saint-Étienne students only
Regional mobility grants for students (BRMIE), Neltner grants, FEDEEH sensory disability grants
Complementary measures to help students in their international mobility initiatives or to encourage them on their path to excellence.