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Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
Distributors of free hygienic protection - Lyon 3
Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University has 37 distributors of periodic protection (tampons and pads) on all campuses.
- Finding supportRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
Educational tutoring for undergraduate students
The Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 offers a personalized support system for any undergraduate student who encounters difficulties during their studies. Tutoring is carried out by Master's students in the form of small groups.
- Punctual financial aidRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
FSDIE social commission | Commission FSDIE social
Students enrolled at Lyon 3 university can ask for financial aid after going through a Crous social assistant
- Solidarity grocery storeAinFor Lyon 1 students only, For Lyon 3 students only
Solidarity grocery store | Au Marché Conté
The Au Marché Conté solidarity grocery store is open to students in Bourg-en-Bresse, depending on their income.
- Sports and culture AinFor Lyon 1 students only, For Lyon 3 students only
Sports and cultural activities
Students from Bourg-en-Bresse (enrolled at Lyon 1 or Lyon 3) have free access to around 30 sports and cultural activities.
- Menstrual protectionRhôneFor Lyon 3 students only
“Take Care” distributors of hygiene products
The Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 is launching two distributors allowing you to have access to two hygiene products per month, from around fifteen products: shower gels, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, razor, shaving foam, toothbrush, cotton make-up remover, hairbrush…