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Active mobility
Click here to find your nearest Self-Repair Bicycle Workshop.
- Active mobilityAin
La Recyclette | Collaborative bike repair shop
Located at 13 bis rue du Pressoir in Bourg-en-Bresse, the association La Recyclette welcomes you on Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. to help you repair your bike, buy spare parts, or even a used bike. By joining the association for 5 euros per year, you participate in the circular economy and reuse while meeting new people.
- Active mobilityLoireFor UJM students only
Financial assistance for the purchase of a bike or scooter
The Université Jean Monnet offers financial assistance of up to 70 euros for the purchase of a bicycle or a scooter, as well as assistance of 30 euros for the purchase of safety equipment (safety vest, helmet…).
- Active mobilityLoireFor UJM students only
Free bike loan – Université Jean Monnet
In partnership with the Ocivélo association, the Université Jean Monnet offers a bicycle loan service for one academic year.
- Active mobilityRhôneFor Lyon 1 students only
Bike lending
Student enrolled at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 can lend a bicycle for the school year.
- Active mobilityRhône
Bike lending | FREE VÉLO'V, Service de prêt de vélos de la Métropole de Lyon pour les étudiants boursiers
Service de prêt de vélos de la Métropole de Lyon pour les étudiants boursiers : Free Vélo’v is a new service proposed by the Métropole de Lyon to deploy circular economy actions by repairing and lending bikes to students beneficiting from Crous scholarships and young people going through professionnal reinsertion.
- Active mobilityRhône
Janus | Circular economy association
The Janus association supports the use of bicycles as a means of transport. It offers a range of services: learning to cycle sessions, getting back into the saddle and support for traveling by bike in traffic; cycling activities and awareness of bicycle mobility; participatory mechanical workshops for maintenance and repair of bicycles, but also repair and sale of used bicycles. The association also organizes walks and bike trips.
- Active mobilityRhône
La P’tite Rustine | Collaborative bike repair shop
The "La P’tite Rustine" association teaches you how to repair your bike with the help of volunteers and sells used bikes. By joining the association located on the Bron campus of the Université Lumière Lyon 2, you participate in the circular and reuse economy, all in a friendly atmosphere.
- Active mobilityRhône
Les Bikers | Collaborative bike repair shop
Located at 18 avenue des Arts on the LyonTech-la Doua campus, the "Les Bikers" association helps you repair your bike, buy new or used parts, or even a second-hand bike. By joining the association created by students and open to all, you participate in the circular economy and reuse while meeting other students.
- Active mobilityRhône
Youth rates | Tarifs jeune Vélo'v
Find out more about the specific pricing points for those aged 14 to 25 years old to use Vélo’v everyday. The price for a yearly subscription is 16,5 euros.