Finding support, Taking care of your health - Ain , Loire , Rhône

La Pause Brindille | Network of young caregivers
The "La Pause Brindille" association supports young caregivers and runs a supportive community, thanks to a listening service (accessible everywhere in France) to allow young carers to find support, a listening ear, information, and activities.
The "La Pause Brindille" association supports young people aged 7 to 25 ,who have a loved one (parent, brother/sister, friend, lover, etc.) who is sick, has a disability or is addicted. She particularly supports young students who are faced with these situations. Among the association's flagship actions:

The association runs a listening service, Brind'Écoute, which offers 3 individual listening hours per week (Tuesdays from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. & Fridays from 6:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.), and a time for collective discussion in video every month. This service is accessible everywhere in France, by text call or chat, and is provided by other supportive and committed young people. All information is available here:

In Lyon, every month the association organizes activities dedicated to young adult caregivers (free, upon registration): sports, creative, well-being workshops, outings... to allow young people to exchange, meet and take a time for them. The next dates and registration links are here:

+33 (0)6 19 52 46 21
15 avenue Lacassagne 69003 Lyon