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Intergenerational and solidarity housing -
Le Pari Solidaire Lyon | Solidarity housing "Pari Solidaire Lyon" association develops and supports bonds of solidarity between generations through housing. Through intergenerational cohabitation and other forms of shared housing, it helps combat the isolation of vulnerable people and the difficulties of accessing housing in the Lyon metropolitan area.
As part of intergenerational cohabitation, this association founded in 2005 connects people over 60, or with disabilities, who have a spare room in their home, with young people looking for accommodation. It supports the entire contracting process and ensures monitoring of these cohabitations over their entire duration. The association also offers accommodation offers for young people in independent senior residences or in social housing, with a moderate rent and in return for an intergenerational solidarity project to be carried out with residents.
Contact: (0)6 11 44 37 95
59 rue Antoine Charial 69003 Lyon